EVANGELISM: To win the unbeliever through any legitimate means. To develop outreach ministries both within and outside of the confines of our building.
MATURITY: Jesus commanded us not merely to seek converts but rather to make disciples. It is therefore our vision to see everyone in our fellowship Spirit-filled; “growing in grace and the knowledge of the Lord” whole in body, soul and spirit; and functioning in witness, service and their gifts. This will be accomplished through teaching and training of God’s Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
WORSHIP: To be a church who moves in Spirit inspired and anointed praise and worship, through which the Holy Spirit may have place to minister in power both to His people and through His people.
CARE: To encourage fellowship and friendship within the Church and outside in the community. To provide a quality of pastoral care to the members of our congregation. It is our desire to seek to help the needy and disadvantaged, to the best of our ability, endeavouring to show the love and compassion of Christ.