Elim Christian Centre Swanley, Kent BR8 7DX

Elim Christian Centre, Swanley Directory

Elim Christian Centre, Swanley produces a directory of members and ministers which is made available to Elim Christian Centre, Swanley ministers, leaders and church members. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or any other method including use as a mailing list without the prior permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Data is kept in a secure password protected website or in a locked cabinet in a locked office. All personal data or information is shredded as soon as it is no longer required or a request is made for it to be removed from Elim Christian Centre, Swanley’s databases.

Data Protection Act 1998

Elim has registered centrally on behalf of its Churches under the Data Protection Act 1998 but all Churches must comply with the provisions of the Act. This includes the storage of information, whether in written format, typed records or data records kept on computer. All staff and volunteers who administer or access the information collected locally should be trained on the requirements of the Data Protection Act and the procedures for handling data.
Elim Christian Centre, Swanley is one of the churches covered by the central registration made by Elim and it complies with all the provisions of the Act and actively trains staff and volunteers on the requirements of the Data Protection Act and the procedures of handling data.

There are 8 Data Protection Principles

In summary, the Data Protection Act requires that data shall be:
1. Fairly and lawfully processed
2. Processed for limited purposes
3. Adequate, relevant and not excessive
4. Accurate
5. Not kept longer than necessary
6. Processed in accordance with the Data subjects rights
7. Secure
8. Not transferred to Countries outside the European economic area without adequate protection.

A Typical Data Protection Check-list

1. Do I really need this information about an individual?
2. Do I know what I am going to use it for?
3. Do the people whose information I hold know that I’ve got it and are they likely to understand what it will be used for?
4. If I am asked to pass on personal information would the people about whom I hold information expect me to do this?
5. Am I satisfied that the information is being held securely, whether it’s on paper or on computer? What about my Website? Is it secure?
6. Is access to personal information limited to those with a need to know?
7. Am I sure the personal information is accurate and up to date?
8. Do I delete or destroy personal information as soon as I have no more need to it?

Keeping and Administering Data

There is an understanding that Charitable Organisations that keep records in order to maintain membership records are entitled to do so. However, personal details about people, including names and addresses and contacts details should only be published with the individuals’ consent. Publication of personal data on the Internet without the data subject’s consent is a breach of Data Protection principles.

Churches should therefore inform individuals before they publish their contact details, even within the local church membership, and must offer them the opportunity to opt out, usually at the initial point of collecting the data.

Personal details are stored for membership purposes, marriages, HMRC, visitors to the church, and people who share a common interest in the activities we run at Elim Christian Centre, Swanley.

Any other material including records or any sensitive counselling issues should be kept strictly private as this is sensitive personal data and does need the express permission of the person you are dealing with to hold such details. Records should not be kept longer than is necessary.

The Data Protection Act also applies to Criminal Record Bureau Disclosures. Such a Certificate should only be kept for up to 6 months and then destroyed. A note can be taken of the date of the Certificate and the number for records but the actual Certificate itself should not be held for more than the 6 month period.

Privacy Notices

By providing your personal details you agree to allow Elim Christian Centre Swanley to contact you by mail, email, telephone or SMS text message in connection with its charitable purposes.
Elim Christian Centre Swanley does not make personal data available to external individuals or organisations.
Any individual aged 13 and upwards can give consent for their information to be held by Elim Christian Centre, Swanley. All individuals under the age of 13 will require their parents/guardians to give consent on their behalf.

Elim Christian Centre Swanley collects information when you register with us or place an order for products or services. We will use this information to provide the requested services, maintain guarantee records and, if you agree, to send you marketing information. Elim Christian Centre Swanley will not share your information for marketing purposes with other companies or organisations. For more information explaining how we use your information, please see our privacy policy.

Information given is stored on our systems in a limited access, password protected church application and we ensure that strong passwords are set by anyone who has access to the system. Any misuse of the system will result in instant termination of access for any individual.

Consent for data to be held by the Elim Christian Centre, Swanley can be withdraw by any individual at any time and Elim Christian Centre, Swanley will immediately comply to this request.
In the event we take pictures for church activities bound for websites or publications and where individuals faces are visibly recognisable, prior authorisation will be sought from all participants at the event and the intended use of such pictures will be made clear. Where consent is not given, these individuals pictures will not be published or used in any form.

Requests for personal information

Any individual, including your employees, congregation and customers, whose data is kept by Elim Christian Centre, Swanley can, under the Data Protection Act, request access to their personal information. An individual can send Elim Christian Centre, Swanley a subject access request requiring you to tell them about the personal information you hold about them, and to provide them with a copy of that information. An individual can only request information about themselves and only information about the individual can be released to them. Elim Christian Centre, Swanley is entitled to charge a fee of up to £10 and to request any information which you need in order to identify the information requested, and the information requested must be promptly provided to the individual within 40 days.

Right To Rectification

In the case of incorrect data being held by Elim Christian Centre, Swanley, the individual whose details are incorrect needs to contact the Senior Pastor or the GDPR Lead if known. The Senior Pastor will notify the GDPR Lead who will carry out any required changes and inform the individual once the errors have been rectified.

Right To Object

Any individual has a right to object to being sent emails and newsletters from Elim Christian centre, Swanley. In such cases, this wish needs to be made known to the Senior Pastor or the GDPR Lead if known and the necessary actions will be taken to stop these missiles from being sent to the individual.

Right To Erasure

An individual has a right to request any information held by Elim Christian Centre, Swanley to be deleted at any time without having to give a reason.
The only exceptions are where the information is being held for legal reasons like HMRC for donations given, if the individual is an offender and a danger to the community in which they reside or marriages.

Elim Christian Centre, Swanley cannot provide Pastoral Care or any other form of assistance if there is no record of an individual as Elim Christian Centre, Swanley Leadership will have no way to contact the individual.

Please do not hesitate to contact The Leadership at Elim Christian Centre, Swanley in the event further clarification is required on any of these issues.