Our prayer chain is open to all who require prayer for whatever reason. Please feel free to let us have your prayer requests – email hello@elimswanley.org or alternatively by text 07854 178369.

It is our mission to bring together the faithful to share in prayer for those in need. We have prayer partners who pray regularly for the requests we receive.

Are you struggling to hang on in there with something or someone at the moment? Are you tempted to quit? well just sit quiet and pray and seek the Holy Spirit to strengthen you and to guide you, to refresh you, empower you, to show the way. Prayer can help us even through the darkest of times. Pray changes things.

It is our privilege to pray for you today and agree with you for your miracle answer to prayer.

The Bible says, “Be still and know that I am God.” It may be that the only time God is speaking through us in our stillness.

Here at Elim Christian Centre Swanley Prayer is so important to us because it is one of the ways we express our dependency on God and our thanks to Him. As the body of Christ we try to follow Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Prayer has a wonderful power that is strengthened when others share in the prayer process. The power of prayer should never be under estimated.

True prayer is prayer from the heart. It is the purest form of communication and without it, we would be lost. When we pray from the heart we are speaking with love. God’s response to us is love. He is there listening, always. We only need to pray.